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Florida Department of


South Florida Roads (Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties)


Drive safe stop aggressive driving



The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Six recently relaunched the Aggressive Driving awareness campaign for Miami-Dade and Monroe counties.



What is aggressive driving?


It is defined as the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). These include:


•   failure to yield right-of-way
•   improper lane change
•   improper passing
•   following too closely
•   disregarding traffic control
•   speeding



Speeding is one of the most prevalent aggressive behaviors



How can I get involved and save a life?


If you want to help spread the word about the dangers of aggressive driving, please use the resources below:


•   Campaign Poster (Spanish I Creole)
•   Tip Card (Spanish I Creole)
•   PSA (Spanish)


For more information and resources, please contact Shieda Castillo at shieda.castillo@dot.state.fl.us or (305) 470-5313.



Thank you to our partners!


Drive safe partner logos



Drive safe logos


Campaign statistics and information from the following sources: flhsmv.gov, dot.state.fl.us, aaafoundation.org and ncsrsafety.org.